Queen Catherine Road Closure 11th - 12th December 2021
received 29/11/2021
I work at Quadrangle, an independent market research agency that has been employed by the East West Railway Company (EWR Co) to get a better insight on how residents feel about the project that will link Oxford to Cambridge by rail.
You may remember that I previously contacted you in June, about a survey that we were running to better understand the impact of the current construction works on residents in the affected areas as well as anything that could be improved. As part of EWR Co’s ongoing commitment to deliver the best possible service for our communities, we are planning to run this survey every 6 months – to allow us to build on what we have learned previously and continue to make improvements for local communities.
As [Area] is one of the areas impacted by construction, we thought that this survey might be of interest to your residents. As Clerk for Steeple Claydon Parish Council, we would be grateful if you could circulate the link below via any newsletters or forums the Parish may use so residents can share their feedback about their experience of the construction works so far with us.
The survey link is: https://survey.euro.confirmit.com/wix/p365101904021.aspx
The survey will be live for two weeks for residents to share their views and will close on 10th December.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hannah Clark
Senior Insight Manager
Direct Dial: +44 (0)20 8051 5210
Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7357 9919

Steeple Claydon Parish Council 06.07.21
East West Rail TTRO Sandhill Road, Middle Claydon
EWR2 Project Newsletter – Spring 2021
EWR Sandhill Road Information Sheet
EWR TWAO Road Closure 18 Feb to 05 Mar 2021, Herds Hill, Steeple Claydon received 12/02/2021
EWR Compound Construction HGV LGV Route Traffic
EWR TWAO Road Closure 15/02/2021 to 13/03/2021, Furze Lane Winslow, received 04/02/2021
Buckinghamshire EWR traffic updates 27.01.2021
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire EWR traffic updates 27.01.2021
EWR TWAO Road Closure 1st Feb – 12th Feb 2021, Lenborough Road, Gawcott, received 14/02/2021
Received 07/01/2021
Subject: RE: Covid Testing
Good morning Roger,
Happy new year,
As a key infrastructure construction project with endorsement to continue safe Covid-19 compliant operations from the Department for Transport, East West Rail Company and Network Rail, the East West Rail Alliance has established a suite of risk based Covid-19 Site Operating Procedure controls to identify, address and mitigate both contraction of the virus by the workforce and to minimise its spread.
The Alliance's site facilities, operational work faces and major compounds have all been reviewed and arrangements regularly updated in accord with construction industry best practice from the first issue of their guidance in March 2020. Our Covid-19 operating procedures have once again been reviewed this week in order to ensure their currency.
Chief among the controls operated by the Alliance and its supply chain are regular Covid-19 arrangements briefings, compliance reviews and the employment of Covid-19 Marshals to ensure continued adherence.
In common with all Network Rail projects, all of the workforce are also subject to random reviews of fitness for work.
At least one of our supply chain partners have extended their return to work reviews on our sites this week to include Covid-19 rapid testing, with the ability therefore to exclude from site any staff testing positive.
All of our main compound signing on points are equipped with thermal imaging temperature scanner for personal temperature monitoring. These scanners use a camera with a built-in thermal temperature reader and are non-invasive. They provide an accurate temperature reading while ensuring there is no physical contact with the equipment or any other staff members (i.e. reception/site security).
If a high temperature is identified, the individual will be asked to exit the building via the appropriate exit, or in an isolated area at our compounds, rest for 10 minutes and return to take a second reading. If a high temperature is recorded on their second attempt, the individual will not be permitted to continue with their visit or to access site and will be advised to return home by Covid-19 safe means and to follow government/employer's advice re detection of Covid-19 symptoms.
The Site Operating Procedures also provide clear guidance to our workforce on the following matters:
* When to Travel to Work
* Guidelines by which workers should or should not travel to work
* Procedure if someone falls ill
* NHS Test & Trace - Early Outbreak Management
* Travel to Work
* Driving at Work
* Site Access and Egress Points
* Use of Face Coverings
* Hand Washing
* Toilet Facilities
* Canteens and Rest Areas
* Changing Facilities, Showers and Drying Rooms
* Moving around site cabins/offices
* Site Meetings
* Work Planning to Avoid Close Working
* First Aid and Emergency Response
* Cleaning
* Deliveries and Drivers
A number of the above matters listed as appropriate include specific guidance and requirements to our workforce in terms of their activities and operations within our neighbourhood communities in terms of minimising disturbance, nuisance and maintaining Covid-19 safety.
The Alliance considers that is operating in a Covid-19 secure manner.
I hope that the measures East West Rail Alliance are taking provides reassurance to the local community.
Kind regards,
Thaina Sa'id
Community Liaison Officer
2nd Floor | Phoenix House | Elder Gate | Milton Keynes | MK9 1AW
Mob: 07385368661
Email: bsaid@ewralliance.co.uk
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Landells
Sent: 05 January 2021 09:00
To: Sa'id, Buthaina <bsaid@ewralliance.co.uk>
Cc: phil calvertgreenparish; Frank Mahon ; Bob Evans ; Macpherson, Angela - (County Councillor) <; Andrea Curtis
Subject: Covid Testing
Good morning, as most of us are under lockdowns but EWR are allowed to continue to work would you please confirm that everyone working on the project on sites locally is being regularly tested. I ask as clearly your workers travel to work, some from considerable distances, but also use the food facilities in our local villages. So far we have been reasonably free of the virus and the last thing we need now is any risk of spread. The statistics seem to suggest a one or so percent infection rate so that needs to factored in to a workforce of your size. The new strain is clearly more likely to be spread and our resident populations are now confined to barracks save ironically pretty much going to the same food facilities as your workers use.
Interested to know what EWR are doing to reduce the risk.
EWR Traffic Management Latest Updates
EWR TWAO 2021 Road Closure - Feb - Steeple Claydon to Padbury received 0702/2021
EWR TWAO 2021 Road Closure - Feb - Poundon received 0702/2021
Buckinghamshire EWR traffic updates 22.12.2020
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire EWR traffic updates 22.12.2020
EWR TWAO 2020 Road Closure
Update from East West Rail...
Dear All
This is not consultation - These works are to go ahead under the powers set out in the TWAO 2020.
Please find attached completed diversionary route for EWR & associated works. These works will be undertaken by EWR & their respective contractors. A full road closure on Steeple Claydon Road and Herds Hill is to allow for the construction B1-P-16-17-18-19-24-25-27-28-29. TM in place 24/7. The Road Closure is installed at 08:00 on 06/01/2021 and removed at 18:00 17/02/2021.
Buckinghamshire EWR traffic updates 08.12.2020
Oxfordshire EWR traffic updates 08.12.2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Steeple Claydon & Verney Junction, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Highways, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Marsh Gibbon, Poundon, Charndon & Twyford, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Newton Longville, Horwood & Swanbourne, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Winslow, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Bicester & Launton, Autumn 2020
EWR P2 - Project Newsletter - Bletchley, Autumn 2020